Complex health issues are our specialty. Through advanced diagnostics, we help patients understand their complex conditions by focusing on the root causes behind the illness. Here at Dr. Zimmermann’s wellness center, we offer the latest cutting-edge diagnostic tools to pinpoint each patient’s root causes.
Dr. Zimmermann investigates the underlying causes behind complex or chronic health conditions. Once the main causes are identified: treatment is simple. We employ a holistic approach that targets the root causes through natural and advanced biological therapies that boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, facilitate detox, and promote cellular repair.

We utilize advanced frequency testing to evaluate the overall state of the patient’s terrain. Using a specialized instrument, frequencies are measured that correlate to various dysfunctions within the body’s systems. These dysfunctions may be due to pathogens (such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi) or environmental toxins. This comprehensive frequency test includes a sensitivity analysis of herbal, pharmaceutical, and intravenous biological therapies. This thorough evaluation determines the most effective treatment plan, which is specific to each patient. B.A.H. draws on 20 years of research in the field of quantum physics. Dr. Lisa Zimmermann trained directly under Dr. Thomas Szulc, the founder of this comprehensive biological testing with a success rate greater than 90%.

Lyme Disease and tickborne co-infections have skyrocketed in the last decade. Due to the wide range of symptoms that may develop, many cases of tickborne illness go undiagnosed. Symptoms may include: fever, chills, headaches, muscle or joint aches, fatigue, cognitive or neurological issues, enlarged lymph nodes, dizziness, shortness of breath, numbness or weakness of the limbs, etc. Further, ELISA and Western blot are unreliable as they have been reported to miss about 60% of positive Lyme cases. As ticks are vectors for numerous microorganisms, other tickborne co-infections often accompany the Lyme bacterium. Some of the most common tickborne co-infections are: Babesiosis, Bartonella, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Rickettsiosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Dr. Zimmermann utilizes the most advanced Lyme and tickborne illness labs including: Vibrant America, IGENEX, RGCC labs, MDL, PCR testing, and CD57 counts. Dr. Zimmermann specializes in creating custom holistic treatments to: reduce tickborne pathogenic load, boost and balance the immune system, halt the inflammatory cascade, and repair cellular damage. Treatment protocols will address biofilm formation as well as cystic or round body forms of Lyme disease.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are often blanket terms used when the root causes are undiagnosed such as: Lyme, tickborne illness, mold and mycotoxin illness, toxin overload, etc. Here at Dr. Zimmermann’s wellness center, we uncover the causes behind these mystery illnesses through advanced diagnostics. Then, a customized treatment plan will be tailored for the patient.

Mold or Mycotoxin illness has a wide scope of symptoms including: fatigue, muscular weakness, respiratory issues, loss of balance, depression, anxiety, skin rashes, headaches, photophobia, chemical and food sensitivities, insomnia, poor memory, increased urinary frequency, increased thirst, burning or tingling sensations, fatigue, stiffness, joint pain, etc. It is often unrecognized by traditional doctors, who are unaware of the prevalence and severity of mycotoxin illness. Exposure to mycotoxins may be developed by: eating contaminated foods, living or working in water damaged buildings, or breathing in high airborne mold counts. To assess if mycotoxins are part of a patient’s health profile, we utilize urinary mycotoxin tests from Vibrant America and Great Plains Lab. These tests display which mold species or mycotoxins are present in the body and in what concentrations.
Treatment plans will vary based on mold species, status of detoxification organs (lymphatic, kidney, liver), and other root causes within the patient’s total health profile. Usually, a regimen of detox support, binders to excrete mycotoxins, and reparative intravenous treatments are recommended to optimize the immune system and eliminate harmful mycotoxins.

Autoimmune disorders are steadily increasing. Here at Dr. Zimmermann’s wellness center, we get to the root causes behind immunological dysfunction. Certain viruses, leaky gut, chronic stress, and chronic inflammation are thought to play key roles in the development of autoimmunity. Through comprehensive lab panels including: ANA, CRP, ESR, ENA, and autoantibodies amongst several others, we are able to determine if autoimmunity is present. Through complete root cause analysis, we can identify how the autoimmunity developed.
Through a holistic treatment plan, we aim to reduce inflammation, address the root causes, and optimize nutrition and lifestyle.

We understand the importance of gut health at Dr. Zimmermann’s wellness center. Bloating, flatulence, unexplained abdominal pain, cramping, malabsorption issues are more than just uncomfortable, they impact health in a major way. Conditions such as Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, IBD/IBS, SIBO, SIFO, LIBO, Candida overgrowth, celiac disease, multiple food sensitivities have negative effects on the immune system and overall health. Patients with altered microbiomes have an increased risk for of Alzheimer’s as well as cardiovascular disease. Conventional doctors do not address this system and do not have the functional medicine expertise to heal and reset the microbiome to restore many aspects of health and vitality. We assess each patient’s microbiome status through various testing such as the GIMAP stool culture, SIBO breath testing, food sensitivity testing, and micronutrient testing.

Thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalances are uniquely addressed by Dr. Zimmermann. We offer the most comprehensive thyroid lab panel, heavy metal analysis, and immunological assessment including viral load or autoimmunity that may be contributing to thyroid disorders. We then treat the root causes with: immunological therapies, heavy metal detox with chelation therapy, and the replenishment of depleted nutrients to restore optimal thyroid function.
Hormone imbalance may be a root cause behind suboptimal energy, mood swings, weight gain, night sweats, decreased libido, etc. Dr. Zimmermann utilizes the most comprehensive hormone panels including hormone metabolites through: Rhein and Dutch urinary analysis to assess where the imbalance lies. Treatment is then customized to each patient and may include: targeted nutraceuticals, herbals, and bioidentical hormones.
Adrenal dysfunction is examined through saliva and urine panels. Many patients with chronic illness often develop adrenal insufficiency. Addressing this adrenal deficiency is key to helping those patients return to optimal energy levels.

Cardiovascular health is assessed via the CARDIO IQ ADVANCED LIPID PROFILE: LDL Particle size, HDL particle size, Omega 3/6 ratio, and genetic analysis for cardiovascular risk. This is the most advanced analysis for concerns such as: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and genetic risks for cardiovascular issues. These labs assess the oxidative state of the endothelial lining of the blood vessels. It is this oxidative state that potentiates heart disease, stroke and dementia. Carotid Intima Media Thickness Test (CIMT) is also offered in our office to assess cardiovascular risk more in depth.
Our goal at Dr. Zimmermann’s wellness clinic is to optimize your cardiovascular health through: targeted nutraceuticals, nutrition, and chelation therapies.

We utilize the most advanced analysis for heavy metals and environmental toxins. Through a urine or hair sample, we can assess which heavy metals (and their concentrations) are present in the patient’s body. Environmental toxins such as glyphosate amongst many others can also be analyzed through urinary analysis. We offer many cutting-edge labs through: Great Plains Lab, Vibrant America, and Doctor’s Data. A detailed treatment plan may then include: chelation therapy, targeted nutraceuticals, and detox therapies.